2014 in Review

2014 saw many new art alliances forged and many existing relationships strengthened.
Some highlights from this years exhibitions circuit.
July 9th 2014, 2nd Prize Graphic Art, Professional Category, 4th Prize Photography, Professional Category.
Group Feature Exhibit “We Are One” -NCAC Arts on the Square August 13th-September 17th 2014
Solo Showcase-Office of Senator Patti Richie, 3rd Floor Dulles State Office Building, Watertown NY.
August 15th-November 1 2014
NCAC 66th Annual Fall Art Show, Watertown NY., 3rd Prize Graphic/Digital Art-“Inanna Lady in the Sky”
At the end of the season my work was hanging concurrently at the Frederic Remington Art Museum, NYS Exhibit and at View Arts of Old Forge.
Lookin ahead to 2015 I plan to expand and venture into new exhibit areas with entries planned for the CNY Exhibit at Old Forge, May 2015 and Cooperstown in June.
Entries for The Thousand Islands Art Center's "Art of Winter" have been completed and awaiting acceptance.
New creations will be added monthly this website as the creative vibe is flowing.
Cheers and Happy New Years!