hope lives! October Feature Exhibit at the Watertown Masonic Temple Performing Arts Center, hosted b
New and revisited works in the mediums of Photography, digital art, encaustic painting, sculpture and poetry. Exhibit open daily from 8...

2029 International Juried Art Exhibit, September 21, 2019 - January 12, 2020
Currently showing at the Frederic Remington Art Museum, 303 Washington St. Ogdensburg, New York

Two Pieces accepted to Frederic Remington Art Museum 2018 Members’ Juried Art Exhibit.
119 works by 50 artists down to a fine grouping of 53 works. and two of my artworks, Ancient Figyptian (John Cooks Them Up Good)! and The...
Sunday Share Day
New work added to honor a new growing moon. "The Peacemakers Journey" created April 2018. Composite images taken at Keeywadin State Park...

New work added
Visiting family in Ottawa, Ontario Canada, this place is a gem!

New venture launching! I am one of the partners of the newest Muse on the river! This Memorial Day W
Saturday, May 26: 10:00am - Doors open 5pm-9pm - Live musical performance by David R. Maracle. David is a singer and song-writer who...

If you have never been to Clayton you need to explore and go to the Thousand Islands Art Center Know
River Mystic triptych Emily Post, wood carving by Gregory Lago. Winter's Door Polar Vortex

Image of The Day
"Fire on the Ice" image taken at the Antique Boat Museum, January, 2017. Digital Art - Photography.